Completed Google's "Build Apps with Flutter" pathway and obtained the badge as can be seen on my google developer profile. DartPad is quite a bit different than the Visual Studio Code with flutter package that I'm used to, but it does work. There's a bug in the badge pathway where two out of the three codelabs are 404 errors. Its Google, so there's no way to provide feedback or file a bug. I passed the quiz at the end anyway having read the "Flutter In Action" book.
I've been writing Android Native apps for a couple years, kinda tired of null pointers. Got very interested in cross platform Flutter and started reading Eric Windmill's book "Flutter in Action". Made a project outline in Asana to teach myself Flutter. I'm impressed at how flutter does not need a javascript bridge between the code and platform. I've played with electron in the past and flutter is smaller and faster. Also I like Dart a bit more than I like node.js... at least so far... I like the stack traces from Flutter and I like building my UI in flutter widgets rather than native classes. Fast recompiles are nice.
Eventually, I would like to convert Supplement Tracker (an app owned by the LLC) to Flutter. It started out as a Java app, then Kotlin, maybe now flutter.
As per above continued taking notes on "Flutter in Action" chapter 2 "Brief Intro to Dart". Which is brief in the sense of being fifty pages instead of an entire five hundred page book.
Added "full set" of CompTIA certificates I had earned in the past, to linkedin. A+ Net+ Sec+.
I set up this blogger blog.