Friday, August 20, 2021

My Flutter development environment

I experimented with Visual Studio Code editor with the Dart and Flutter plugins and it works fine, but I settled on the Android Studio experience because I liked how tightly integrated it is with respect to the editor, emulator, flutter inspector, and flutter performance tabs.  Also I was comfortable with Android Studio from past experience doing native Java development on Android.  I made some notes:

Daily Use (about two minutes from startup to running the demo counter app in the emulator):

"start" "android studio"

"tools" "avd manager" start my preconfigured emu (I used Android 10.0 aka API 29)

"file" "new" "new flutter project" it'll ask where my SDK is located and project name, etc.

"run" "run"

Testing and Notes:

Run "flutter doctor" from command line to verify installation

Managing AVDs


Note, I installed my flutter SDK in C:\Users\vince\Documents\flutter, your location will vary..