Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A helpful trio of OpenStack gitlab repos for reproducible infrastructure

Here is a helpful trio of OpenStack related gitlab repos.

They are scripts and config files and demonstrations I use for OpenStack that might be useful or inspirational or at least interesting for others to see.

The following three Spring City Solutions LLC GitLab repos work best together when used together as a set:


"glance-loader" repo provides repeatable installable images for OpenStack.

I'm not saying you have to use MY script to load your images.  But you DO need to use A script to reproducibly load your images, so at least take some inspiration from mine.


"openstack-scripts" repo provides various OpenStack Heat Template IaaS orchestration templates.

All of my infrastructure is orchestrated, from creating the projects to creating the networks and subnets and everything installed on them, like virtual instances and docker containers in Zun, all of it.  I do not manually create anything in the Web UI its all orchestrated which means its documented and reproducible and zero percent chance of human error.  Also, its very fast compared to configuring by hand.


"ansible" repo provides Ansible configs for the above Heat orchestration templates.

Pretty much my entire home LAN is completely orchestrated and scripted.

The Ansible handles configuration options ranging from the fairly trivial like VIM editor options being consistent across all systems, thru mid-range tasks like connecting all my servers to Zabbix monitoring system, up to complex tasks such as taking a bare Ubuntu or FreeBSD server and having it successfully connect to my Active Directory domain, including full SSO and file server access, the only manual part of the process is running "net ads join" with the domain admin password. 

What this trio provides is consistent reproducible configuration across all my systems, and extreme speed, for low effort.  I can do more with OpenStack orchestration and automation in an hour, than I could do by hand in a weeks labor.

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