Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin Chapter 056 - Prometheus

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin relate the experience of converting a small VMware cluster into two small OpenStack clusters, and the adventures and friends I made along the way.

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin Chapter 056 - Prometheus

During plan 3.0 I decided to either use or lose Prometheus.

Some observations about Prometheus

It works very well in my experimentation.

It replicates my Zabbix infrastructure without providing any additional value.

I need Zabbix to monitor the rest of my infrastructure, which is larger than my openstack cluster.  So I can't replace Zabbix with Prometheus (at least at this time, who knows in the future?)

As such I decided to remove Prometheus.

Kolla-Ansible is not an orchestration system, Ansible is merely a very fancy scripting language and set of libraries.  So removal of the /etc/kolla/globals.d/prometheus.yml file and running a kolla-ansible deploy will NOT remove the Prometheus installation although it will configure the entire rest of the system to NOT use Prometheus anymore in the future.

The solution to that problem, is to deploy, test that everything is working other than Prometheus, run something like "docker ps | grep prometheus" note a long list of about a dozen large containers providing the now-orphaned Prometheus service, then manually run many "docker stop prometheus-whatever" commands to shut down all the Prometheus containers.  The final step is a quick "kolla-ansible prune-images" with the really-really sure option to wipe the cached docker images for prometheus which will save a couple bytes of storage.

Tomorrows post will depend on what I do next to my home lab in my spare time.  I'm caught up to real time after a mere 56 posts.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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