Sunday, August 7, 2022

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin Chapter 040 - Nova Compute Service

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin relate the experience of converting a small VMware cluster into two small OpenStack clusters, and the adventures and friends I made along the way.

Adventures of a Small Time OpenStack Sysadmin Chapter 040 - Nova Compute Service

First, links to some reference docs I used:

Nova Docs Page

Kolla-Ansible Deployment Configuration Reference for Nova

Nova Admin Guide

Nova API Guide

Nova API Reference

Install CLI client

The CLI add on library for Nova should be installed by default.  Regardless, this link:

Installs all the CLI addons I'm using, or just run:

 pip install python-novaclient -c

Serial Port emulation for console and console logging

The console/serial port situation in Kolla-Ansible roughly matches the Install tutorial configuration on cluster1, which works well.  Its highly configurable but I did not need to change anything from default.  Cool!


I set my Nova quotas in my project Heat Orchestration Templates such as this example:

This Heat resource paragraph for the iot project shows specifically how its done:

    type: OS::Nova::Quota
      project: iot
      cores: -1
      instances: -1
      key_pairs: -1
      metadata_items: -1
      ram: -1
      server_group_members: -1
      server_groups: -1

You can see I'm not all into setting quotas on myself.  Not a useful feature for my system requirements.  But it seems to work and is easy to configure (or configure to essentially ignore)

Usage Stats demo script

See this link for a demo script:

This outputs a table of project name vs servers configured, RAM MB-hrs, CPU-hrs, and Disk-hrs used.  Cool, easy to use.

Flavor Loader

I have written a flavor loader script, which is part of openstack-scripts project:

I like my own flavor name format.  I know some, or many, people really like AWS style flavor names, but I don't need compatibility with that format and find my naming strategy very logical and easy to use.  I wish OpenStack did not use flavors; the way VMware lets an admin type in anything they want that fits within quota is so much simpler to use and more versatile.

Tomorrow it's not Mon-Day its Cinder-Day.  I really should have posted that on a Sun-day but whatever this is just how it worked out.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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