Thursday, September 1, 2022

Notes on Node-RED development on a Raspberry Pi using Visual Studio Code

Notes on Node-RED development on a Raspberry Pi using Visual Studio Code

In the past, I developed Node-RED nodes by locally editing using Visual Studio Code and exporting the directory via NFS to a Raspberry Pi with the appropriate hardware installed, and the node was added to Node-RED via symlinks.  It worked, but it was brittle and there can be permissions issues and its annoying if the Pi reboots and cannot connect to the fileserver then flows will not start because the nodes are not present, it's just so tedious.

My new, improved development environment involves VSC's "remote-ssh" extension.

As always, detailed notes make it easier to set things up.  There are so many small details from configuring git on the RaspPi to removing the "nano" editor to make it easier to do command line git commits.

So, here are my cut and paste notes that start with a newly installed RaspPi (or rephrased, OS and Node-RED previously installed) and end with a working VSC development environment for Node-RED:

On Desktop:

Install Visual Studio Code extension “Remote - SSH”

Install Windows OpenSSH client

Move SSH keys around for key-based SSH authentication

On New Remote:

On windows scp the key from the windows host to the new remote

scp c:\users\vince\.ssh\ pi@new_remote:

then while logged into the new remote run:

cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys

Then test a login from windows to the new remote

ssh pi@new_remote

Create a SSH key on the new remote and add the .ssh/ to GitLab

ssh-keygen, then add the key to GitLab

Prepare git on the new remote

On the new remote:

sudo apt-get install git

sudo dpkg –purge nano

git config –global “”

git config –global “Vince Mulhollon”

Install the git repo for the project on the remote

git clone the applicable Node-RED node project into ~ directory

Add git repo to installed Node-RED

cd ~/.node-red

npm install ~/node_git_repo_from_above

Restart node-red


Install standard.js in a project

npm install standard –save-dev

Then run it with “npx standard”.

Install standard.js extension in VS Code

“View” “Extensions”

Search for vscode-standard

Click install

Remember to install the standard engine as a devDependencies and it works automatically.

Anyway I hope these detailed notes help somebody do remote Node-RED development on a Raspberry Pi using Visual Studio Code.

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