Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Solution for upgrading ISM43362-M3G-L44 wifi module firmware on a ST B-L4S5I-IOT01A dev board

Why I'm trying to upgrade the wifi module's firmware.

I have been experiencing problems with network offload on Zephyr RTOS using a ST B-L4S5I-IOT01A dev board which has an onboard Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44 wifi module.  Its not completely dead, I have it successfully connecting to my wifi, the offload processing works well enough that I can ping the module and telnet to the wifi coprocessor, but there's something not "connecting" between the processors in the sense that I can't get telnet to the dev board shell or anything else on Zephyr to connect in a conceptual sense to the wifi.  Offload "works" in that the C language callbacks fire and I can report my DHCP provided wifi IP address, which is how I can ping it, but its like the application TCP/UDP sockets are refusing to connect to the wifi interface, even though they kind of are doing that; most aggravating.

For a variety of reasons, I decided to upgrade the wifi firmware.  I've read elsewhere about how Azure connectivity with this board will NOT work unless the wifi firmware is upgraded, so that is very interesting although I'm not using Azure in this application.  Another reason is the usual troubleshooting procedure of I've done everything easier and more of an obvious solution already.  My final justification is I have no idea what version of the wifi coprocessor firmware was shipped on the board, so at least after an upgrade I'd know for certain what version I'm running, which probably provides at least some troubleshooting value.  

I did not decide to upgrade the wifi firmware for fun or because I was bored, LOL.

Description of the wifi module

The wifi module is similar to an ancient Hayes-compatible phone modem, serial attached with "AT" command set, that connects to wifi networks instead of phone lines.  Also instead of connecting to the device using a serial port like a traditional phone modem, this module has the option of SPI connection for higher speed, and on this ST dev board, it connects via that SPI interface.  So in one way of looking at it, it's exactly like a phone modem, except when looking at it in another way, everything is different from a phone modem (LOL?).

Finding references, instructions, tools for the upgrade process

If you google for the wifi module and firmware, which is a pretty good strategy most of the time, one of the top results is this URL:

Sadly, the most recent firmware on that page is v3.5.2.3 from Oct 10 2016.  That's not going to help.  I don't think the CPU on this dev board had been released back in 2016.

Further research led me to:

From that device page, you can find a link to another, separate and newer, firmware upgrade page for the device:

The highest version available on THIS download page is, that's cool.

Next we have to upload the firmware into the wifi module.  If you have a serial connection, with a switch selectable USB port or similar like the Arduino shields provide, this task is pretty easy.  If you have a PCB standard JTAG pinout and a JTAG programmer this task is also pretty easy.  The ST board has none of the above.  What the ST provided upgrade solution does have, is a very small binary program provided by ST, that enables SPI passthrough so STM32CubeProgrammer or anything else that speaks ST/Link can program what it thinks is the STM32 flash, but its actually programming the flash in the wifi module.  What could possibly go wrong? 

The software to upload the firmware is on the ST website, in the "docs" section not "tools":

The best instructions for the firmware upgrade seem to be in the upload tool's README file, although Inventek provides a link to a .pdf which has some alternative options:

How the upgrade process was supposed to work

I followed the README upgrade instructions from ST.  First you download the firmware zip from, using the correct, newer download page, not the Google-provided older download page.  Then, unzip and change the filename from *.bin.rename to *.bin, because of crazy windows anti-virus software, the firmware has to be double wrapped to get past.  Then copy the renamed firmware into the bin directory of the ST provided firmware upgrader.  The firmware upgrader batch file uploads a tiny bin file that puts the dev board into SPI passthrough, and then uses the CLI for STM32CubeProgrammer to burn the firmware into what it thinks is the STM32L4 chip but is actually the passed-through wifi module's flash chip.  It's a rather short and simple windows batch file.

Something undocumented, but cool, is when the wifi module is in passthrough mode the blue LED turns on.  At least ... I think that's what the LED implies.  The STM32L4 firmware is a binary blob and I didn't run the debugger on it so who really knows?

What actually happened during the upgrade process

There is a slight problem, if you run update_Wifi.bat on a Windows 11 PC with the newest version of STM32CubeProgrammer and newest ST/Link firmware on the dev board, the dev board bootloader pass thru is downloaded to the STM32L4 and it runs successfully, OK so far.  Then the command to bulk erase the Inventek module's flash runs, and eventually times out while in the process of erasing the flash (whoops).  Then the program stage runs, tries to re-issue the erase command before writing the firmware, however the flash chip is still erasing from the previous bulk erase command, so it crashes the write process and never writes the firmware to the wifi.  So now we have a wifi module with erased firmware flash.  That's not good.

It gets somewhat worse.  If you reinstall MCUBoot and a Zephyr image, the MCUBoot will jump to the Zephyr image and silently fail and lock up the STM32L4 during initial bootup of Zephyr before it even jumps to main(), so time can be wasted trying to troubleshoot your reinstall, well, obviously I forgot to ... confirm the Zephyr image or something.  So the board seems bricked and everyone is unhappy.

Unbricking and successful wifi module firmware upgrade process

The board, however, is not bricked.  I would theorize the problem is older versions of STM32CubeProgrammer and/or the ST/Link firmware would not return from the erase command until the erase was fully complete and/or the default delay to wait for bulk erase completion before timing out was longer.  Also I don't really see the point of bulk erasing the wifi flash if the next step in the batch file, the write step, begins by erasing the flash anyway.

So use vim or whatever editor you use to edit this line in update_Wifi.bat to skip the bulk erase step by commenting out, prefix the line with a "rem":

rem %PROGRAMMERPATH% -c port=%COMPORT% br=115200 p=EVEN db=8 sb=1 fc=OFF -e all

Then re-run the uploader script and it seems to work quite well, instead of timing out and screwing everything up past the failed erase command, it skips the bulk erase that doesn't work anyway, and runs the next command in the uploader script which successfully erases the flash, writes the firmware, and does a verify read pass in about two and a half minutes.

After this, unplug and plug the board back in, re-upload the MCUBoot firmware, re-upload the Zephyr RTOS image, and it works exactly the same as before.  Unfortunately this firmware upgrade had zero effect on my Zephyr networking offload problems.  But at least the dev board isn't bricked anymore, and I know it has the latest wifi module firmware version installed.


If you're trying to upgrade the firmware on a Inventek ISM43362-M3G-L44 board which is SPI attached on a ST B-L4S5I-IOT01A dev board, you'll run into two problems.  There are two firmware download pages at Inventek and Google will send you to the older download page with half a decade old firmware that doesn't work with the ST uploader.  The other problem is the ST batch file to automate firmware upgrades will brick your board, although with some extremely minor editing the script will work and un-brick your board and successfully upgrade your wifi module firmware.

This firmware upgrade process, overall, was somewhat more exciting than is necessary.

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